Sunday, April 30, 2017

Salt Lake corridor pickleball

It took awhile for pickleball to catch on along the sprawling Salt Lake urban corridor.  However, once it did, the rest is history.  Here's an excellent (and recent) look at the evolution and spread of pickleball in Utah's population center.
Screen clip from USAPA.ORG "Places To Play"

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Sin City Showdown Showcase!

What happens when a Las Vegas casino owner gets Pickleball Fever?  Why, The Sin City Showdown, of course!
Here's the Las Vegas Review-Journal "tell-all" article:

Beware the site linked above is filled with ads that may stall or lock up your device.  If that happens, we extracted the content of the article and put it here:

Prescott Courts finished April 28

Crews put the finishing touches on Prescott 8 new courts about noon on Friday, April 28, after barely 10 weeks of construction!  The public will not be allowed to play on the new courts until the parking lot is paved and the landscaping put in place.  Rumor has it May 5th might be "THE" day!
Michael Whitford supplied this drone photo taken in late afternoon, April 28.
Here is a great Prescott Daily Courier article describing the new courts:

For more information about the courts visit the Prescott Pickleball Association here:

Newport Beach pops for $625,000 pickleball project

Newport Beach is "all in" on pickleball!